New website of the Geometer company for the Slovak market
Now, farmers in Slovakia can access our cutting-edge 'GeoTrack' agricultural navigation systems, and surveyors can find top-of-the-line geodetic GNSS RTK receivers and kits
2024-04-29 12:38:46 - Admin
🎉 Exciting News from Geometer!
🌐 We're thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new website tailored specifically for Slovakia! Now, farmers in Slovakia can access our cutting-edge 'GeoTrack' agricultural navigation systems, and surveyors can find top-of-the-line geodetic GNSS RTK receivers and kits. Best of all, our prices are unbeatable compared to other suppliers! Explore our innovative solutions, enhanced features, and user-friendly design tailored to meet your needs.
Check it out now at! #GeometerSlovakia #GNSSRTK #PrecisionAgriculture #AgricultureTech #SurveyingEquipment